Every year well over 4 million people are bitten by dogs. While some of these bites may be minor, others can leave serious injuries or even death. If you own a dog which bites someone, you could find yourself in legal trouble. If it kills someone, you could end up behind bars. While I don't want to scare you away from owning a dog, there are some things you will want to do to make sure your dog d
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dog cat cats pet pets animals
How to deal with a cat that damages and scratches furniture. It's natural for cats to scratch but often it destroys your good furniture. Thankfully there are some things that you can do to relieve the problem.
Many people watch in sadness as their cat destroys virtually everything that he can get his claws into. You can improve this behavior. To do so, you need to know why he is doing what h
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dog cat cats pet pets animals
Parrots make wonderful family pets because they are great companions, they are beautiful birds with colorful feathers and you can teach them to talk. But you must have a strong level of commitment to your parrot because he will need daily and weekly maintenance, as well as plenty of attention.\r\n\r\nWhat a Parrot Needs\r\n\r\nWhen you consider how to take care of you parrot, you will have to con
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dog cat cats pet pets animals
Nonostante la grande diffusione delle campagne a favore della sterilizzazione degli animali che vivono in casa e dei randagi, sono ancora molti i proprietari che rinunciano a sottoporre i propri amici a questa abitudine di civiltà.
Questo è un quiz che mette alla prova le tue abilità sul tema delle razze canine. Quante razze riesci a riconoscere da dettagli delle foto? Mettiti alla prova e condividi il tuo risultato insieme ai
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cani cane pets dog quiz
L’otite nel cane
L’otite è un’infiammazione dell’orecchio molto diffusa. L’otite nel cane si manifesta con frequente scuotimento delle orecchie, produzione di cerume, odore cattivo e infiammazione,
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food intolerances